Maple custards

Serves 2

1.5 cups milk
2 eggs
1/3 cup maple syrup
1 tsp vanilla bean extract
pinch salt

Preheat oven to 190ºC. Place two 1-cup capacity ramekins into a large baking dish and set aside (if you don’t have ramekins, small jars or teacups are fine).

In a small saucepan, heat the milk until just below boiling point. Turn off the heat.

In a large bowl, whisk the eggs, maple syrup, vanilla and salt. Add the hot milk in a steady stream, whisking continuously. Let the mixture stand for a couple of minutes. If any foam rises to the surface, skim it off with a spoon, then divide the mixture between your ramekins.

Make a water bath by pouring hot water into the baking dish so that it comes at least halfway up the sides of your ramekins (water from a recently boiled kettle is ideal). Carefully transfer to the oven and bake for 30-45 minutes, or until just set.

You could serve these hot or cold, for dessert or for breakfast - I like a bit of custard as a bedtime snack.
  • Calcium in milk reduces stress, is extremely pro-metabolic and decreases levels of parathyroid hormone, which can play a role in insomnia. 
  • The added sugar - maple syrup - and salt further increase the pro-sleep effect by helping to boost T3 and body temperature, replenish liver glycogen stores and curb the release of nocturnal stress hormones adrenaline and cortisol. 

Kate is a certified Clinical Nutritionist and offers one-on-one coaching for clients in Sydney Australia, and internationally via Skype or email. Visit the nutrition services page to find out more about private coaching, and be sure to subscribe via email and follow the Nutrition by Nature Facebook page for blog updates, articles, nutrition tips, recipes and special offers. 


03/27/2013 5:15am

I've already made this recipe countless times. It's so satisfying and nourishing. It's a hit at home. Anything to get more of these recipes from Kate. They are suuuuuper.

04/10/2013 9:21pm

Thank you!!

03/28/2013 7:12am

Hi Kate,
These look delicious!
I was wondering if they could be made on homemade cashew or almond milk as I can't really have anything else...
I can't wait to give them a try :)

04/10/2013 9:23pm

I'm not a fan of nut milks in general (perhaps see this post for more - Why don't you try Michelle's coconut milk panna cotta that I featured a few weeks ago? Recipe here...

04/02/2013 11:16am

Hi Kate,
I cooked these last night and they were soooo good!
I have been avoiding dairy of late, but cooked these up last night and had no problems!
I exchanged the maple syrup for honey, but I loved them and so did my boyfriend! He did a happy dance and everything!
Cant wait for your book!

04/10/2013 9:25pm

Yup, interestingly a little simple sugar alongside dairy can actually increase digestibility and bowel tolerance of the milk. Happy dance indeed!

Sarah I.
04/10/2013 10:18am

Hi Kate,
These look delicious! I have been avoiding dairy for years for fear of cystic acne (by far the worst skin offender to me is processed grains/sugar). I have read so much about how dairy is bad for skin. Can you recommend any information on why this isn't true?
Thanks, your blog is beautiful and inspirational!

04/10/2013 9:20pm

Hi Sarah,
Dairy tolerance has a lot to do with good thyroid function/metabolism, as thyroid dictates proper digestion, production of lactase enzyme (for digesting lactose, in dairy), influences progesterone levels and a number of other contributing factors. We address this in the I Didn't Quit Sugar e-book actually ( and make recommendations for reincorporating dairy into one's diet.
For skin health, dairy contains a small amount of progesterone, vitamin A and quality protein - these all are 'pro-skin' factors. In short, there's a lot of dogma out there about dairy and much of it just isn't true - check the book for more :)

Sarah I.
04/11/2013 8:19am

Thanks, Kate! I agree that the health world is flooded with dogma and it's something we have to constantly fight against. I purchased your ebook and have enjoyed it thus far. Thank you for sharing the benefits dairy can offer our skin as all I have read and heard is that it disturbs our exciting to be able to consume quality dairy with no guilt! I bet that will help me skin, too.

06/28/2013 5:59pm

Its look delicious.I love this disc.I can't wait to give them a try.


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