Here in the southern hemisphere we’re currently in the heat of summer, and I can’t think of anything much more satisfying than basking in the sun and then cooling off with a creamy, dripping ice cream. 
These popsicles (inspired by Sarah Wilson’s brilliant idea to freeze cans of coconut cream) are naturally sweet tasting yet sugar-free, plus dairy-free for those who are lactose and/or casein intolerant. The medium-chain saturated fatty acids found in coconut are uniquely nutritious – rich in immune-boosting lauric acid, easily metabolilised (rather than stored) for slow-release energy, promote HDL (“good”) cholesterol (in fact, more so than any other fatty acid, saturated or unsaturated), and support thyroid function for metabolic health. I’m a huge fan of coconut products (particularly coconut oil)... see this post for why!

Coconut lime popsicles

Makes 6 popsicles

1½ x 440ml cans full-fat* coconut cream (look for brands without additives)
juice and zest of 4 limes
5 tbs desiccated coconut (or shredded, fresh coconut)

Combine the coconut cream, lime juice, zest and desiccated coconut in a large mixing bowl, then pour into popsicle moulds. Pop in the freezer and allow to chill for at least 4 hours. Done. Too easy!

*I doubt I need to say it after my previous ranting about why you’d choose full-fat ‘whole’ products over their reduced-fat counterparts… but do make sure you use full fat coconut cream for these popsicles. They’re meant to be creamy, rather than icy. Plus, (again!) the fat in coconut is where the nutrition is –  there’s no need to bother with a watered down version that’s lacking in both flavour and nutrients.




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