“One of the greatest hindrances to the achievement of great health and vitality is the widespread notion that we should exercise as much as possible and eat as little as possible” Matt Stone, obesity researcher & health writer

‘Health nuts’ seem to go a little nutty over nuts… raw and roasted nuts, trail mix, nut spreads, bars and milks are the dietary darlings of the health conscious. However, nuts and seeds certainly aren’t the ‘superfoods’ you might believe them to be.

The role of sound, restful sleep in the promotion of good health cannot be underestimated, with poor sleep (quality and/or quantity) linked to weight gain, metabolic disorders, depression, impaired cognitive function, athletic performance, reduced immune function, stress tolerance, and a host of other health conditions. 

It’s quite shocking that polyunsaturated fats are still being touted as “healthy” fats, as the scientific literature clearly shows the damage caused by these types of fats in a multitude of both animal and human studies. Recommending the consumption of polyunsaturated oils for their ‘heart-healthy benefits’ is equivalent (or worse) than the old 20th century medical adage to prescribe smoking as a treatment for sufferers of chronic asthma (true).

“Dietary salt restriction has become a cultural cliché, largely as a consequence of the belief that sodium causes edema and hypertension.”  Ray Peat PhD

The French have consommé and glace de viande, the Vietnamese have pho, the Japanese have ramen, and so on – nearly every culture has traditionally included broths and stocks made from animals bones in their diets. 

There’s been a fair amount of hoo-hah in the nutritional web-o-sphere as of late regarding the “fattening” properties of dietary carbohydrates, what with the rise of the Paleo/Primal movement, French Dukan hype, LCHF (low carb high fat) and the old Atkins Diet Revolution movement reliving another moment of glory. The Scandinavians are certainly on board1, with Swedish and Danish bread producers feeling the toll3.

I’m not really into ‘superfoods’ as such, but I’d consider coconut oil to be right up there when it comes to uniquely superior foods for health. Here’s a quick overview on some of the major nutritional benefits of coconut oil…

This one’s not just for the fellas. Ladies, soy will also upset your sexual hormones, contribute to weight gain, bloating, gas, painful, heavy menstrual cycles and throw your mood out of whack. But let me start at the beginning…